
Part Three focuses on circulation; how London Plan documents are collected, organised, distributed and shared—the ways in which the plan moves. Chapters 6-7 are a granular exploration of media history and visual communication of the London Plan as a portable, hypertext document. Through a design proposal for a London Plan Public Library (LPPL), Chapter 8 rethinks governmental documentary practices in terms of a digital archive. LPPL is an online archive which reproduces the Examination in Public (EIP) Library originally posted on the website, in a new visual format, and explores the relationships between documents—and maps relevant paths and connections, but also highlights documentary gaps and missing or broken links.

Chapter 6
    Keywords: policy digital technology media design documentation
    Chapter 6 addresses the duration and temporality of publics, the conflict between the transience of London Plan documents and the desired permanence mandated by public accountability. Focusing on the technologies used to make public, this chapter connects with the Chapter 5 discussion about the GLA’s corporate operations and expands upon how they play a part in determining the plan’s public access. The last chapter looked at the London Plan as a corporate reporting document. This chapter looks …
Chapter 7
    Keywords: publishing media theory media design archive
    Chapter 7 addresses the location and movement of publics, focusing on the primary public forum with which the London Plan is accessed, the public domain hosting the GLA content online. This chapter underscores the technical challenge to keep a public record, a main concern of administrators discussed in Chapter 6, in light of unstable Internet-based platforms used to document and publicise the London Plan, leading to archival absences that have implications for the plan’s publicness. The London …
Chapter 8
    Keywords: publishing media design library archive
    Chapter 8 describes my design proposal for a London Plan Public Library (LPPL) in response to the documentary gaps identified in Chapter 7, an alternative digital platform for accessing London Plan documents. It rethinks governmental documentary practices in terms of a digital archive. LPPL is an online archive which reproduces the Examination in Public Library originally posted on the website, in a new visual format, and explores the relationships between documents—and maps …